Why You Should Attend Antenatal Classes

You look at the two lines that appear on your pregnancy test kit, and you’re overcome with joy. But wait, what’s next?

Congratulations! You have now entered a new phase in life. It feels unfamiliar, and millions of questions flood your mind; the most prominent being: am I ready to confront these new challenges and take on this new role as a mother?

“Birth is the most natural process on Earth, but yet, studies has shown that one in every four women has described giving birth as a traumatic experience, and sadly, up to 20% of them, suffers from post-traumatic stress disorders. Women who fear childbirth may suffer from longer labours and may, even require emergency caesarean”

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Two questions I get asked a lot is, “Should I attend an antenatal class?” and “Do I really need it?” I get it. In this day and age, everything seems to be Googlable and while that’s fair enough, it is still highly encouraged for you to take antenatal classes to educate yourself with professional and reliable advice.

It is generally recommended to start attending these classes when you are 16 - 20 weeks pregnant. The best part about it? You’ll be able to take these classes with your partner/ daddy-to-be! Psst… antenatal classes are as much for dads as they are designed for moms, and this makes for an intimate bonding experience for the both of you as you embark on a new journey together.

So, here is a little runthrough of why you should attend antenatal classes;

Elimination of the unknown

In general, keeping yourself adequately informed and educated through professional research is always a sure fire way to be well-prepared for any situation, and even more so for something as scary as being first-time parents! Antenatal classes provide yourself and your partner with possible scenarios of what could occur during the pregnancy and birth; treat that as a kind of trial run before it actually happens! These classes will ultimately leave you feeling confident of the options you have during this journey that definitely acts as a boost of strength to soldier through any tribulations.

Receive guidance from childbirth experts

Antenatal classes are held by childbirth experts — these are professionals who help families cope with fears and empowering them with evidence-based information about labor and birth. Leila & Co. currently houses one childbirth expert; and you can read more about me and my qualifications here. As a mother of two, I understand what you are going through as a first-time parent and some of the concerns you might have to achieve a successful and pleasant birthing experience. In these classes, I will be there to answer all your burning questions as well as provide you with childbirth options, from what to expect during labor and more. At the end of the day, antenatal classes will give you new insights, equip you with useful techniques and evidence-based information on your pregnancy to ensure you always make informed choices.


This last reason is a personal favorite of mine, and that is the connections you make during these classes. There always seems to be something special about meeting people who are on the same journey as you are. What I love most about these are the sharing sessions, where other expectant parents (yourself included!) share their previous insights and experiences — I find that that is the best way to learn. We might all be on the same journey, but the steps each family takes to get there is different, so it is always amazing to hear about the experiences that others have gone through. The bonus of it all? You might even form lifelong bonds and friendships with the people you meet in these classes! Leila & Co. takes this just one step further by hosting gatherings for families who attend our classes, to provide a safe space to reunite and just hang out!

So then, what are you waiting for? Take the first step towards a smooth and successful birth experience, and sign up for an antenatal class! After all, don’t we want to provide what’s best for our little ones?

“If you understand what is normal, you can be relaxed and confident in what you are experiencing, knowing it is simply part of being pregnant”


Introducing: Leila & Co.